Giving is Growing

Have you ever done a good thing to others? Did you expect them to repay your kindness? We sometimes feel that our kindness does not get reward from others. Do not worry about that because your kindness is eternal. It is a positive energy that will be kept by things or people that your accept your good treatment.

If you expect in return for your kindness from the one that you have given, you will loose the positive energy from your good deeds. Your positive energy will get back to you but when your let your positive energy remain on others, your have grown the bigger amplification of your inner goodness. The more you leave your possitive energy, the bigger the positive energy that grow in yourself.

Have you ever read some stories that after years , one that plant or leave possitive energy earn back from unknown in bigger rewards? So do not count and expect reward when you do good things to others. Let the positive energy grow and amplify. You will never know what reward that you will get back. However, It is sure that you will not loose anything from doing good things to others or to the nature.

How a street food seller is so kind to others. He never counts what he has done. In the end he gets the payback from what he has done years ago.